To ensure that your journey is absolutely smooth, we would ask you to take note of the current rules related to transporting luggage, health recommendations and the relevant customs and entry regulations. Please remember to bring all the necessary documents with you.
Each passenger has to check in before departure. Please follow the “Check-in” signs at Dresden Airport.
Please arrive at the check-in desk in good time. You can discover your precise check-in time from your travel agent or your airline.
Checking in takes place at the airline’s desk or through the handling companies, FSG Flughafenservice Gesellschaft mbH or Airport Services Dresden GmbH (ASD). There is a separate check-in desk for each flight. The monitor above each check-in desk shows the appropriate airline, the flight number, the destination of the flight and the planned take-off time.

Make use of the convenient opportunity to check-in online, provided that your airline offers this service.
Please note the entry and customs regulations for your destination – the Foreign Ministry provides information about them for German citizens.
Before you fly, please also find out about any possible surcharge that your airline may request if you wish to take more than the baggage allowance or have any bulky luggage with you.
After checking in, you should make your way to the security check area. Checks take place here to ensure that you are not carrying any dangerous items. An x-ray machine screens your hand luggage. This does not have any negative effect on the way that mobile phones, laptops, camera or films work.
Online check-in incl. seat reservation
You can select your seat online for many flights and print your boarding card yourself. Please note that the airlines provide this service and Dresden Airport has no influence on it.
You can then hand in your luggage at your airline’s “drop-off” desk.
Evening-before check-in
Please enquire with your tour operator or airline whether this service is offered or whether and to what extent fees are charged for the evening-before check-in.
⇒ Until further notice, the airlines will not offer evening-before check-in.