Twice as many employees at Leipzig/Halle Airport than ten years ago

14,667 were most recently employed at Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG and neighbouring companies and public authorities. The figure was 14,245 in 2019 – so the current number represents an increase of three percent. These are the summarised results, which also include the airport site in Dresden. The two airports developed in different ways during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. While the boom in freight business continued to provide positive effects at Leipzig/Halle, the lack of tourist traffic in Dresden depressed the numbers for the first time. The figures are collected on 31 December on each occasion.
At Leipzig/Halle Airport, Europe’s fourth-largest cargo airport, the number of employees increased by 7 percent to 10,806 in 2020. When compared to 2010, the number of people working there has therefore more than doubled. The freight handling, cargo airlines, logistics and freight forwarding segments in particular recorded significant growth. The number of people employed in these sectors at LEJ rose by 11 percent to approx. 8,200 in comparison with 2019.
Success stories in attracting companies can be traced back to the positive active development of space and property at the airport, most recently in the southern part in conjunction with Goodman und Greenfield; building lease agreements were signed with this company to open up logistics space.
The number of people with their workplace at Dresden Airport declined by 6.8 percent in comparison with 2019 to a figure of 3,861 employees. Travel agencies, tour operators and catering facilities were particularly badly hit. The number of employees last year declined in these sectors by up to 87 percent.
The Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG companies themselves employed 1,373 people – a figure that was 3.7 percent lower than in the previous year. The number of companies based at the two airports was 226, the same figure as in 2019.
Götz Ahmelmann, CEO of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, comments, “The Central German airports at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden are some of the most important workplaces and growth engines in the region and the employment effects extend far beyond the airport sites. To ensure that jobs remain secure in the pandemic, we need a fresh start to passenger traffic very soon. This will involve an effective and easily controllable test strategy so that safe mobility from a health point of view is possible once again.”