The Central German airports are job creators: twice as many people work there as in 2010

16,128 people were employed at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports at the end of 2021*, including all the companies and public authorities based there. This represents an increase of 10 percent over the previous year’s figure. When compared with 2010, the number of people working at the airport sites has therefore more than doubled. Overall, 235 companies are based at the two airports, four percent more than in 2020.
Götz Ahmelmann, CEO of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, comments,
“Leipzig/Halle and Dresden airports are catalysts for the dynamic development of Central Germany. These locations represent mobility, they safeguard international supply chains as well as value creation in the region and they guarantee continuity for tens of thousands of people in a wide range of fields of employment.”
Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG currently employs 1,325 people – and this figure remained stable in comparison with the previous year.
12,344 people work at more than 120 companies at Leipzig/Halle Airport, which is Europe’s fourth-largest freight airport; this represents an increase of 14.2 percent compared to 2020.
The rate of employment rose most significantly in the cargo airline, handling, freight forwarding and logistics sectors. About 9,500 people work in these segments, an increase of more than 15 percent.
The number of people working at Dresden Airport was 3,784, which roughly reflects the figure in 2020.
* The data is collected every year on 31 December.