Supervisory Board confirms Götz Ahmelmann as the CEO of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG

The Supervisory Board of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG appointed Götz Ahmelmann as the company’s CEO for a further five years until 2028 during its meeting on 28.11. 2022.
Hiltrud Werner, the chairperson of the Supervisory Board of MFAG, comments, “Götz Ahmelmann has managed the Central German airports of Leipzig/Halle and Dresden International through multiple crisis situations in an exemplary fashion during the last few years. In continuing this working relationship, the Supervisory Board is acknowledging the course adopted by the company, one that has given it an outstanding position to face future challenges.”
Götz Ahmelmann has been CEO of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG since 20218 and has had more than 25 years of work experience in the aviation sector. He launched his professional career at Lufthansa and spent various periods at Etihad and Air Berlin, where he held management positions.